This morning my mum said to me 'I can't believe that there are ants in the bathroom'*. This struck me as an odd thing to say since there ARE ants in the bathroom and so she has hard evidence - belief shouldn't come into it. I said to her that I found it confusing how she struggles to believe that ants have colonised the bathroom, but has no problem in believing a spirit creature thing that: 1) built the world and existence 2) can hear everyones thoughts 3) makes people worship it (through threats of damnation), roams around us. Apparently quite a lot of people believe in this thing too, and they all meet up to reaffirm their delusion in big special purpose buildings. Each to their own I guess.
I can almost do a one armed chin up on both arms. I have been training on and off for a while, mostly just to get stronger at climbing.
General Petraeus has been appointed director of the CIA. I think if I got appointed one of my first questions would be 'Do aliens exists?'. I bet David is thinking that. Hmm, maybe it wouldn't be wise to ask straight away, maybe leave for a while until everyone likes you and you've made an impact on the social football scene. Then bust out the question. Otherwise, they might go 'Oh wait, he's only been here for 4 minutes and he's already asking about aliens, he's probably a weirdo'. So yes, probably best to leave it. Then again, I doubt that's at the top of Davids to-do list, but surely it must be close now that Bin Laden is dead.
I used to have a blog on Myspace, I'll put a link up one day.