Tuesday, 19 June 2012


I think it's been about a month since I last wrote something on my blog. Since I'm the only person who actually reads it regularly (I like to laugh at my interesting life experiences), and that I don't particularly like writing a post for the stake of it, I feel that I'm justified in going long stretches of time between posts. I've just eating a huge lasagne from the work canteen (plus garlic bread) so I feel rather full up. Many people say that it's perfectly acceptable, in fact it's better for you, to stop eating when you're full, rather than just keeping on eating. I don't subscribe to that. When I have food in front of me, I have entered an obligation to eat every scrap, even if eating all of it would make me feel ill for hours after. I don't really like seeing food go to waste. I really like eating too. Fortunately, I'm rather wiry, so my eating habits don't affect my weight. I do feel sick though.

I have done quite a few things since I last wrote on the blog.

  • I've watched this video
  • And this one
  • I went to see Liam and Ben's gig in London, that was really fun.
  • Alex and I went to the Field Day Festival. Fortunately, he didn't vomit bile and so wasn't ejected. 
  • At Field Day Festival, I saw one of my favourite bands - Tortoise - they played this song. Please.
  • Went to the Comedy Store in London for Jez's birthday and then to a cocktail bar. There was a pretty girl there, well I thought she was pretty, but then she stood up and she must have been close to 7ft in height. In fact, a lot of the women there were larger than average. By that, I don't mean that they were fat, but that they were giants, and so were rather physically imposing. The music in the cocktail bar was being played at an excessively loud volume and it made me have to shout into someones ear, and visa versa. That made me uncomfortable. I don't understand why it needs to be that loud. It was one of those situations where the phrase 'I can barely hear myself think' would have been apt, and wouldn't be classed as hyperbole.