I had a big family gathering the other weekend, mostly the Abbotts (rather than people from my mothers side of the family). It was a good day, it was nice to see my nieces Grace and Georgia. They like me more than my brother, I think that's because I'm a fun person and I also helped raise them from when they were babies. I had graduated from uni when Grace was born, so I was unemployed for a while, so I was around a lot to help look after her. And when Georgia was born, I was working contracts with the BBC, so I was again, unemployed a lot. They're a funny duo. Tracey hosted the event, she's a kick boxing instructor, which I found interesting since she's rather short. Well as Yoda once said 'Size matters not, judge me by my size do you?'. Hmm, I'm not comparing Tracey to Yoda, except they are both quite short (Yoda is very short). Tracey isn't green or fictional. She has a body bag thing set up. Hmm when I write 'body bag', I should have written 'punch bag', I guess I could have deleted that and you'd have been none the wiser, but I felt that I would leave it in - in the interests of not ruining my stream of consciousness prose. So she had this punch bag set up and I start punching it (without gloves) and then a crowd started forming (This happens a lot with me, because I'm generally the most interesting person in the group, people stay near me in case I do something interesting. Or if they're not near me and they hear that I'm doing something interesting, they all go 'Oh cool, Will is doing something interesting, lets see!', even if they're in mid conversation with someone else)(That was of course not entirely true, Tracey and Nick (my cousin) had recently bought the house so we were all on a guided tour of sorts and when I saw the punch bag, I was immediately fixated and that stopped the tour, so when I said that a crowd had formed due to my interesting personality, I was slightly distorting the truth - a crowd was already there, due to the aforementioned guided tour.)
So I started punching this bag, and then Tracey came over and said 'Hey Will, put these gloves on'. I complied because my knuckles were hurting (it made me think about bare knuckle fighters and what a painful life they live). I put on the gloves and started punching away. BAM BAM BAM, 3 hit combo. It was like I was born to punch things. Everyone stood in awe and Tracey said 'Wow, you've got a good punch!'. My dad just shouted 'SHIT! He's a natural!'. I heard one guy in the back whisper to his friend (I heard due to my super hearing) 'Christ, is that guy a professional?', and his friend replied 'I don't know, but he should be, with punches like that'. That didn't happen. The punching of the bag did, and Tracey complimenting me, but not the guys whispering, or my dad saying 'SHIT! He's a natural!'. Anyway, it turns out that I'm quite good at punching. I think it's because of my climbing. It's made my back, core and arm muscles rather powerful, which are vital for a good punch. I always wondered about how my climbing what help my combat abilities, I used to think that being a climber, with a strong upper body would assist me in a fight. Turns out that it does, I can punch very well. Tracey said that I could have a lesson with her, to learn kick boxing. But I declined since while my upper body is strong, I can't say the same about my legs. They're like chicken legs.
If you want to see what my uni life was like, look here:
Here's a photo of my brother (James), my sister (Lucy) and me at the family reunion thing I mentioned earlier. |
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