I went climbing at the Westway last night and I messed up my finger. I mean in the sense that I've injured it, it's painful. I've taken Nurofen Plus to deal with the pain. That stuff is divine, ibuprofen and codeine, the powerful duo. Codeine is brilliant. It's like a proper drug, with cool effects. Not like ibuprofen, in which I struggle to even sense any effect, other than I feel less pain. I guess that's the point really. Codeine reminds me of morphine, it's a bit more of a full body experience, like a dulling of the senses. Morphine is a pretty good drug, best only used for medical situations though - don't want to end up like Goering and be all addicted. Well, he's dead anyway, he took cyanide during the Nuremberg Trials. Still, being addicted to morphine isn't good. I wonder if it would be worse than being addicted to heroin, after all, they're both opiates (so is codeine). It feels like morphine is a more middle class drug, rather than the Scottish poverty of heroin, shooting up in your soiled underwear in a squat. Trainspotting has done a lot to put me off heroin. I guess that's good. I might read up about the drugs tonight since I'm clearly lacking knowledge in the subject. I feel that I should add that I've only 'done' morphine a few times in my life due to various injuries, and not because I'm some sort of addict: dislocated arm, burning stomach with cooking oil, burst appendix.
So, I went climbing at Westway last night and buggered up my finger. I didn't warm up properly and started climbing hard things straight away, and it was really cold in the centre. There was a few students there, and generally I don't mind them (considering that I was one), but there was one student there who I actually hate. I don't think he knows that I hate him. He would know very quickly if, 1) I had more guts, 2) My imagination was reality, 3) Someone ran into the centre and shouted 'It's Mad Max time! Total anarchy!'. In that case, I would say to myself 'Finally', and then walk up to the guy (I don't know his name), and I'd kill him. Well, actually, I don't think I would. If he'd had annoyed me as soon as they ran in shouting, then I'd probably just hit him a few times then run off. I probably wouldn't even do that. He's really annoying because he makes weird noises, whistles a lot, wears annoying hippie clothes and has dreadlocks. Dickhead. I hate dreadlocks, they make someone look like a prat. Complete lifestyle choice. It's like the guy went off to Thailand on his gap year and thought 'Yeah, I f*cking love being chilled out and I want to make a statement about who I am, and because I'm a dick anyway, how about I dress like a native and get dreadlocks'. What's the point in them? And he's not even a good person, sure, he seems friendly enough, but at the same time, utterly annoying. I think the main reason why he annoys me is because he thinks he's really good at climbing (he isn't) and he whistled an annoying tune and chatted to his friend really loudly when I was trying to climb a hard problem. It put me off so I fell. I glared at him then walked off and then drove home via KFC. F*ck him.
But, every cloud has a silver lining and I did see a really pretty girl there. She was a little brunette girl who was wearing hot pants. I think she was French. She was there with a male companion and I couldn't work out whether he was her boyfriend or whether they were just friends. I was thinking about what to do - is it acceptable to walk up to him and say 'Hello, is that girl your girlfriend?', if he says no, then I can ask her to get a coffee and if he says yes, then there would be a weird awkward moment. What was I meant to do? Why don't schools teach their students about social interactions? I just kept starring at her, the couple weren't really climbing together that much, he would do his own thing and the girl would wander off and climb. Argh, it was annoying, all I could think of was ahh she's really cute, is she going out with that guy? Is she single? What can I do? She's really pre... Oh f*ck off annoying hippie dickhead, your dreadlocks look f*cking dumb, you chump.
Sometimes I wish life was easier, but then I see an advert for an Oxfam appeal and I just think ah shit.
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